130 research outputs found

    Mapping the Physical Properties of Cosmic Hot Gas with Hyper-spectral Imaging

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    A novel inversion technique is proposed to compute parametric maps showing the temperature, density and chemical composition of cosmic hot gas from X-ray hyper-spectral images. The parameters are recovered by constructing a unique non-linear mapping derived by combining a physics-based modelling of the X-ray spectrum with the selection of optimal bandpass filters. Preliminary results and analysis are presented.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures; accepted by the 5th IEEE Workshop on Application of Computer Vision (WACV/MOTION 2005), Breckenridge, CO, USA, 2005; uses ieee.cls (included). For a pdf version with full-resolution figures, try http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~exc/Research/Papers/ieee_astro_05.pd

    An analytical Micro CT methodology for quantifying inorganic dentine debris following internal tooth preparation

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    AbstractObjectivesMicroCT allows the complex canal network of teeth to be mapped but does not readily distinguish between structural tissue (dentine) and the debris generated during cleaning. The aim was to introduce a validated approach for identifying debris following routine instrumentation and disinfection.MethodsThe mesial canals of 12 mandibular molars were instrumented, and irrigated with EDTA and NaOCl. MicroCT images before and after instrumentation and images were assessed qualitatively and quantitatively.ResultsDebris in the canal space was identified through morphological image analysis and superimposition of the images before and after instrumentation. This revealed that the removal of debris is prohibited by protrusions and micro-canals within the tooth creating areas which are inaccessible to the irrigant. Although the results arising from the analytical methodology did provide measurements of debris produced, biological differences in the canals resulted in variances. Both irrigants reduced debris compared to the control which decreased with EDTA and further with NaOCl. However, anatomical variation did not allow definitive conclusions on which irrigant was best to use although both reduced debris build up.ConclusionsThis work presents a new approach for distinguishing between debris and structural inorganic tissue in root canals of teeth. The application may prove useful in other calcified tissue shape determination.Clinical significanceRemaining debris may contain bacteria and obstruct the flow of irrigating solutions into lateral canal anatomy. This new approach for detecting the amount of remaining debris in canal systems following instrumentation provides a clearer methodology of the identification of such debris

    Developing A Simulation Toolbox For Biomedical Plenoptic Imaging

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